
About Snekkies

Snekkies are hard working Sneks 🐍 that love $SNEK! In fact, they choose to spend most of their time in the Snek Pit mining for $SNEK. That sweet sweet $SNEK from @snekcoinada is all they really want!

1 Snekkies NFT= 1 $SNEK Miner 🐍⛏️💰

But, mining $SNEK is not possible... This is preposterous! Well, after the mint, 90% of our mint revenue will be deployed into various crypto miners. We will mine a variety of cryptocurrencies and convert that crypto into $SNEK.💡

Holders will be able to stake their hard working Snekkies and be rewarded with their favorite memecoin, $SNEK.

Follow Snekkies on 𝕏 and Discord for up-to-date information.

BTW... $SNEK is a memecoin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. The coin is for entertainment purposes only. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? 🐍
The mine
Mint Snekkies
Put your Snekkies to work!